Northwest University love

Northwest University


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  • Maybe that ` s what he was saying or maybe that ` s what he meant, that given the racism in the country, this is why he thinks this guy was going to win, which is why I think the point of our having a real discussion on race, there was a Northwest University study that talked about how light - skinned, black-skinned get a corporate jobs, higher positions ...

    CNN Transcript Jan 11, 2010 2010

  • Spring 2005: Li Yongbo contacts another former classmate from Northwest University, Jiang Pei Hai, who works at a research arm of China National Offshore Oil Corp., and obtains 165 documents.

    Enemy of the State 2010

  • The draft, which was initiated by legal experts from the China University of Political Science and Law, Wuhan University, Northwest University and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences last December, includes two parts – – protection of wild animals and domestic animals.

    China drafts animal protection law 2009

  • The draft, which was initiated by legal experts from the China University of Political Science and Law, Wuhan University, Northwest University and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences last December, includes two parts – – protection of wild animals and domestic animals.

    China drafts animal protection law 2009

  • Expertise will be drawn from national, provincial and local government sources, from Northwest University at Potchefstroom and the Universities of Witwatersrand and the Free State.

    Vredefort Dome, South Africa 2009

  • While she's still waiting to hear from her counterpart in Arkansas, if and when Huckabee does come to town, he'll also making an appearance at Northwest University in Kirkland, but that's not been confirmed.

    University Of Washington's SeattlePoliticore: Huckabee Supporters In Washington State Angle For A Candidate Visit 2008

  • Mrs. Huckabee will be rallying her husband's troops at Northwest University at noon, according to Dr. Joe Fuiten, Huckabee's state chair.

    University Of Washington's SeattlePoliticore: Mrs. Huckabee Drops In 2008

  • Danielle Turissini, the state volunteer coordinator, added that they're still trying to put together a schedule for his visit, but confirmed that she will be speaking at a campaign rally at the health sciences building on the Northwest University campus.

    University Of Washington's SeattlePoliticore: Mrs. Huckabee Drops In 2008

  • Northwest University political analyst Andre Duvenhage said the latest development was unlikely to change anything.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2007

  • Schabir Shaik, no matter which way it falls, will aggravate relationships within the tripartite alliance, a political scientist at the Northwest University said on Sunday.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2006


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